Marital Financial Planning Insights

Mariella Foley


Financial Planning

Splitting Retirement Accounts in Divorce

When going through a divorce, the process of dividing assets can be a frustrating and confusing one.  Retirement assets are an important issue in any divorce proceeding, since, after the marital home, they often represent the largest category of marital assets to be divided in a divorce settlement. Accounts that fall into this retirement category […]

Mariella Foley


Financial Planning

Dividing Retirement Assets in Divorce With a Qualified Domestic Relations Order

Retirement assets are an important issue in any divorce proceeding. After the marital home, retirement assets often represent the largest category of marital assets to be divided in a divorce settlement. These assets can include 401(k)s, 403(b)s, IRAs and pension benefits provided by an employer’s defined benefit plan. Divorcing spouses will often seek to divide […]

Mariella Foley


Financial Planning

Top 7 Financial To-Dos After a Divorce

You have just signed your divorce papers, and you are now ready to put all the stress of the long and complicated process behind you. Emotions ranging from relief and peace to sadness and anger, and likely fear and uncertainty, may be running through you. You know that you need to take steps to begin […]

Mariella Foley


Financial Planning

Staying in the Marital Home After Divorce: Emotions vs. Economics

As someone contemplates divorce, one of the most common concerns, after custody of the children, is whether either spouse will be able to continue living in the marital home. Most likely, the home has significant emotional value. It could represent heartfelt memories of raising your family during happier times or it could be the location […]

Mariella Foley


Marital Financial Planning

Getting Divorced? Make Sure You Ask the Right Questions

Someone recently asked me to provide the names of a few divorce lawyers for her to consider. I gladly provided her with the names of three reputable lawyers whom I know well. After thanking me for the referrals she asked, “What should I look for? I don’t know anything about hiring a divorce lawyer—I’ve never […]